Mobile Robot Flooring Overview ResinDek® Flooring Panels ResinDek® Flooring Finishes Fastening Systems Code Compliance & Certifications Evaluation Service Report & UL SCS, FSC & LEED Case Studies, White Papers & Videos Literature, Data Sheet & Specifications Installation Instructions & Maintenance WarrantyFLOORING FOR GROUND-FLOOR ROBOTIC APPLICATIONS:
Ground-Floor Robotic Applications OverviewFLOORING FOR STORAGE & PALLET JACKS:
Material Handling Flooring Overview ResinDek® Flooring Panels ResinDek® Flooring Finishes ResinDek® Shelving SystemRESINDEK® COMPARED TO CONCRETE:
ResinDek® vs. Concrete Cost Comparison Research Brief Ergonomic Comparison Environmental Impact"One of the real benefits of ResinDek® on the cost side was not only was it cheaper than using concrete, but it also greatly reduced the weight and the structural load that the columns would have to carry."
- Ian Peshel, Managing Director of Facilities for City Furniture
"The emphasis they put on continuously improving their product, testing it, standing behind it, and supporting us and our customers in the field sets them apart."
- Kevin O'Neill, President of Steele Solutions
"When you buy their products, you know you're getting high-quality flooring. They are the clear leader with an unparalleled combination of design, engineering, and product testing."
- Jim Staszewski, a Ridg-U-Rak Senior Designer
"When we learned it [the flooring] would be ResinDek® from Cornerstone Specialty Wood Products, we knew our AMRs wouldn't have any problems."
- Jeffrey Cody, Director at Locus Robotics
Engineered Fasteners for Topside Install Invisi-Loc® Engineered Fasteners for Underside"The entire project came together much faster than we anticipated, thanks to how easy it was to assemble the ResinDek® Shelving System."
- Jeff Andrews, President of Hammerhead Material Handling
Custom Slave PalletsOTHER PRODUCTS:
Material Handling Accessories"Cornerstone gives you an exact drawing of your pick module and your floor layout showing precisely which ResinDek® panel goes where. It's essentially a turnkey design that is very easy for a contractor to install quickly."
- Chase Watt, Site Foreman and Project Manager for Kuecker Logistics Group
Brochures Specifications / Technical Data Sheets White Papers Safety Data SheetsINSTALLATION, MAINTENANCE & WARRANTY:
ResinDek Installation Instructions ResinDek Over Bar Grate Installation Instructions ResinDek Over Steel Beams Installation Instructions ResinDek Over Wood Installation Instructions ResinDek Over Concrete Installation Instructions Care & Maintenance Manual WarrantyESR, Fire Ratings, SCS & LEED:
Evalution Service Report, Fire Compliance & UL FSC® & SCS Certified LEED®FLOOR SELECTOR ASSISTANT:
Mezzanine Floor Selector AssistantTECHNICAL DEFINITIONS:
Elevated Platform Technical DefinitionsAutomated storage and retrieval systems are computerized systems that retrieve items automatically without the need for human transport or delivery. The machines are programmed electronically to fetch and repeat on demand based on designated directions, routes, and pathways throughout the warehouse. By reducing wasted labor and improving retrieval speeds, these automated systems can significantly increase the accuracy and efficiency of warehouse operations. It can also reduce the risk and cost associated with damaged goods during standard manual transport.