ResinDek mezzanine flooring most durable finish, MetaGard® GVT, features galvanized steel that encapsulates the top and sides of a ResinDek panel. Ideal for drop zones, pallet flow and case flow modules. The MetaGard GVT heavy-duty metal flooring delivers ironclad resistance in abusive, harsh environments. This includes extremely high traffic areas where heavy equipment and rolling pallet jacks routinely transport dense loads. It is also an optimal flooring solution for locations where aggressive dragging or pulling of non-wheeled loads occurs.
The galvanized steel is fused to the ResinDek® engineered flooring panel with a proprietary bonding agent. This creates a metal floor that will not delaminate, offers superior physical properties, and resists gouges, scuffs, abrasions, scratches, and other wear. Perfectly level to accommodate rolling loads, the encapsulation process eliminates sharp edges to ensure objects passing over the flooring surface are not cut or snagged.
Engineered to ensure a smooth panel-to-panel transition, ResinDek with MetaGard GVT panels can be used alongside other ResinDek panels without a steel surface. This can create a more cost-effective solution because it enables placement of MetaGard GVT flooring in the areas of maximum wear.
ResinDek with MetaGard has been tested per ASTM D2047 standards and has been found to meet or exceed OSHA specification for slip resistance. The MetaGard finish has electrostatic dissipative properties which protect sensitive electronic equipment from damage.
Ergonomic, quiet, and extremely durable, MetaGard GVT can be applied to the full range of ResinDek engineered flooring panels.
ResinDek with MetaGard GVT has been tested in accordance with the following standards:
Why Choose ResinDek with MetaGard? | Video Length: 0:34
ResinDek Flooring Panels Inside a Distribution Center | Video Length: 4:09