Whether your manufacturing process requires just-in-time (JIT) line-side deliveries of dense parts and components by manually guided carts and pallet jacks or relies on heavy equipment and high-capacity storage, you need an elevated flooring solution that can stand up to the heftiest loads with ease.
ResinDek flooring panels support even the most demanding manufacturing operation. They are engineered to handle live and dead loads from 2,000 to 8,000 pounds while providing exceptional wear resistance. They also won't crack or spall like concrete and generate less noise than bar grating or concrete surfaces as loads pass over them.
Additionally, ResinDek flooring provides added benefits of increased worker comfort and decreases the risk of work injuries and insurance claims. Research conducted by The Ohio State University's Institute for Ergonomics found that an elevated platform with ResinDek flooring, compared to a concrete platform, decreased tibial shock by 7.8% at the work rate walking speed, and decreased tibial shock by 10.6% at the work rate walking speed on bar grate.
Backed by a 10-year product warranty, ResinDek panels have proven structural integrity that supports live and dead pallet jack limits from 2,000 – 8,000 lbs. All ResinDek panels are certified to have No Added Formaldehyde. ResinDek panels can contribute towards earning points for LEED® qualified buildings. When required ResinDek panels are available with FSC® Certification. FSC® License Code FSC - C124474.
We recommend that a minimum of 20-gauge corrugated metal B Deck be used on all ResinDek® flooring projects (except for Xspan®) and a minimum of 18 gauge when live and dead loads exceed 2,500 lbs. ResinDek Xspan and Xspan FR do not require a corrugated metal deck. ResinDek flooring panels LD, MD and HD are ¾" thick, ResinDek Max is 1-1/2" thick, and ResinDek Xspan and Xspan FR are 1-1/8" thick.
RESINDEK FLOORING PANELS - For Use with Corrugated B-Deck
ResinDek® LD
3/4" Thick Panel
Robot loads up to 500 lbs.
Pallet loads up to 2,000 lbs.
ResinDek® SD
Loads Up to 3,500 lbs.
ResinDek® MD
3/4" Thick Panel
Robot loads up to 2,000 lbs.
Pallet loads up to 3,500 lbs.
ResinDek® HD
3/4" Thick Panel
Robot loads up to 4,000 lbs.
Pallet loads up to 4,500 lbs.
ResinDek® WR
3/4" Thick Panel
Robot loads up to 500 lbs.
Pallet loads up to 2,000 lbs.
ResinDek® MAX
1-1/2" Thick Panel
Robot loads up to 6,000 lbs.
Pallet loads up to 8,000 lbs.
* Loads above include both weight of pallet jack + product.
RESINDEK FLOORING PANELS - Single Panel Solution - No Corrugated B-Deck Required
ResinDek® Xspan®
1-1/8" Thick Panel
Robot loads up to 2,500 lbs.
Pallet loads up to 3,000 lbs.
ResinDek® Xspan® FR
1-1/8" Thick Panel
Robot loads up to 2,500 lbs.
Pallet loads up to 3,000 lbs.
* Loads above include both weight of pallet jack + product and are calculated on 16" beam spacing.
We have flooring solutions for associates to walk-on, roll heavy pallets jacks across, drag skids on and for robotic traffic to maneuver at their peak performance. Ask us to help you design a hybrid flooring solution that is extremely cost-effective and tailored to meet the needs of each individual project.
Gray Diamond Seal® Coating
Gray Diamond Seal® ESD Coating
MetaGard® Steel Decking Surface - GVT
Are you loosing products through wire shelving or simply need a more customizable solution, then look at our ResinDek Shelving System. It is completely customizable, extremely durable and supports heavy case goods.
ResinDek Flooring Panels Inside a Distribution Center | Video Length: 4:09
Elevated Flooring Solutions for AGVs and AMRs | Video Length: 2:54